
汽车用高强钢数控激光焊接工艺对质量的影响 被引量:2

Influence of Processing Parameters on Welding Quality in Numerical Control Laser Welding of High Strength Steel used in Cars
摘要 采用正交优化设计试验方案,综合考虑影响高强钢数控激光焊接质量的工艺参数,通过镀锌高强钢的激光焊接试验研究,对试件焊缝的力学性能试验、焊缝金相及显微组织试验、焊接接头的SEM能谱分析和焊缝盐水腐蚀试验,表明镀锌高强钢数控激光焊接工艺可以获得较高的焊接质量。提出了可以有效控制焊接镀锌高强钢加工质量的试验参数。 Using orthogonal design method, the processing parameters inOuencing welding quality of numerical control laser welding of zinc coated high strength steel are considered. The experiments including mechanical property, metallographic and microstructure of welding seam, SEM Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy analyse of welding joint and saline corrosion of welding seam are carried. The experimental results indicate that the high welding quality can be obtained by the processing of numerical control laser welding of zinc coated high strength steel. A serial of optimized parameters which can effectively control the welding quality of zinc coated high strength steel are given.
出处 《湖南工业职业技术学院学报》 2008年第6期1-4,共4页 Journal of Hunan Industry Polytechnic
基金 湖南工业职业技术学院自然科学研究课题(项目编号:GYKYZ200711)
关键词 正交优化 高强钢 数控激光焊接 焊缝质量 orthogonal optimization high strength steel numerical control laser welding welding seam quality
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