边缘检测是图像处理的基础,目前边缘检测算法不断完善,检测效果不断的提高,但检测速度方面的研究还存在很多不足,为了在保证检测效果的同时,提高边缘检测的速度,提出了一种基于可编程图像处理器GPU的边缘检测方法,应用GPU的像素着色器和Canny算子检测原理,用VC++,Cg,OpenGL在Windows XP系统下进行仿真实验。结果表明,该方法不仅提高了边缘检测的速度,而且有效保留图像边缘信息,具有实时性,为今后基于GPU提高图像处理速度的研究提供了宝贵资源。
Egde detection was the base of image processing. At present,algorithm of edge detection was being perfected, and the effect of detection was improved continuously. While the detection speed's research still existed a lot of shortage. In order to ensuring the effect of detection, enhancing the speed of egde detection at the same time, a new method of egde detection based on GPU was proposed, which used GPU's Pixel Shader and the principle of Canny operator, and simulation experiment was realized by using VC+ +,Cg, OpenGL in the Windows XP. The result showed that this method not only improved edge detection speed, but also retained effective information of edge. The method was real-time, and provided a valuable resource for the study which improved the speed of image processing based on GPU.
Electronic Measurement Technology