
认知灵活性和顿悟表征转换:练习类型的影响 被引量:8

Cognitive Flexibility and Representational Change of Insight Problems:The Effects of Different Types of Training
摘要 以停车场问题为实验材料,以42名大学生为被试,探讨认知灵活性高和低的被试在不同练习类型下顿悟问题表征转换的差异。结果表明:1)不同的练习类型对顿悟表征转换有影响,被试在难度逐渐增加的练习类型下比在简单的练习类型下顿悟产生得更快;2)顿悟表征转换的速度因认知灵活性的不同有差异,在简单的练习类型下,认知灵活性高的被试比认知灵活性低的被试顿悟产生得更早,在难度逐渐增加的练习类型下两者无差异;3)认知灵活性高的被试比认知灵活性低的被试顿悟问题解决更快。 The present study examined the effects of different types of training on representational change of insight problems between problem solvers with higher and lower cognitive flexibility. 42 subjects were employed and tested with car park games. The results showed:(1) Different types of training affected representational change of insight problems, compared to training with difficulty increased gradually, problem solvers produced insight faster under simple training. (2) The speed of representational change of insight problems was different because of cognitive flexibility of subjects, under simple training, problem solvers with higher cognitive flexibility produced insight faster than those of training with difficulty increased gradually. (3) problem solvers with higher cognitive flexibility solved insight problems more quickly.
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期22-26,共5页 Psychological Exploration
基金 全国教育科学规划"十五"国家社科基金重点项目(ABA0100011) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(2000ZDXMXLX005)
关键词 顿悟问题解决 认知灵活性 表征转换 练习类型 insight problem solving cognitive flexibility representational change types of training
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