
论“上火”与应激反应 被引量:28

ShangHuo Syndromes in the TCM Context
摘要 "上火"是传统的概念,没有特异性的生理指标,且因人而异。"上火"是一种生理过程中不协调的应激性反应,是失去机体内环境稳定状态的身心疲劳综合症。"上火"为由内而生,余气所致,虽不为病,但持续的余气如不能及时疏解,则会引起机体的免疫力等生理机能低下,结果导致积劳成疾。"上火"是心理情绪反应,除对中枢神经递质影响引起的精神不振外,"上火"也可以诱发体内能量代谢低下带给人们疲倦感。常言有心宽火降,心静自然凉,尽管人们可以通过减少工作量,调整生活习惯与精神状态,改善生活环境达到"泻火"目的。但事实上,单凭心理上的调整可能远远不够,因此需要针对不同人群的各自特症以相应的药物及健康食品等加以改善。如今,随着现代工作和生活条件的改善,体力上的劳累已不再是人们疲劳的主要原因,随着现代人更多是在面对环境变化,生活习惯改变及物理化学等各种应激源带给人们的身心疲劳与"上火"。本文在简述近年来人们对抗应激研究现状的同时,也对"上火"与应激反应加以说明,旨在为"上火"这一现代社会的普遍现象的认识提供参考的信息。 "Shanghuo", a traditional Chinese description of syndromes, is not defined with specific physiological indicators. As a result, it can be varied from person to person in definition. "Shanghuo" is meant to complain a physiological process that has failed to respond to stress, commonly featured with the fatigue syndromes in both the physical and mental contexts. "Shanghuo" is the result of the combined effects of a range of internal factors, and hence is not a disease. However, it may cause physiological dysfunctions, such as reduced immunity, and further result in diseases, if "Shanghuo" is not regulated in a timely manner. "Shanghuo" can also be a psychological reaction. In addition to its impacts on the central neurotransmitters, "Shanghuo" may induce energy metabolism disorder, and leads to fatigues. To reduce the magnitude of "Shanghuo", or "Xiehuo", an opposite, people are supposed to cut down the workloads, change their living habits and mentalities, and improve the living environment. As a matter of fact, psychological tuning alone will never do enough to turn from "Shanghuo" into "Xiehuo". It calls for the intervention of drug or food therapies, in line with individualized needs. Thanks to the increasingly improved working and living conditions, the physical exertion is no longer a main cause for fatigues. However, a range of other stress factors, including environment and lifestyle changes, and physical chemistry, have made people more susceptible to physical and mental fatigues as well as " Shanghuo". This paper reviews the previous stress studies, and discusses the links between "Shanghuo" and stress. It can be a useful reference to studying the "Shanghuo" in the context of a modern society.
出处 《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》 2008年第5期37-41,133,共6页 Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica-World Science and Technology
基金 科技部国家"十一五"支撑计划项目(2006BAIO6A20-09):广东凉茶的物质基础及保健品开发 负责人:栗原博。
关键词 上火 泻火 应激 机体内环境稳定 shanghuo xiehuo stress homeostasis
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