目的探讨孕妇血型抗体效价与新生儿溶血病之间的关系。方法按照常规鉴定3 234对产前孕妇与丈夫ABO及RhD血型,采用微柱凝胶法技术检测夫妻ABO血型不合孕妇血清中的IgG抗-A、抗-B及抗-D效价。结果1901名夫妻ABO血型不合,产前抗-A或-B体效价>64的孕妇共1007名;其中O型980名,占97.32%;A型13名,占1.29%;B型14名,占1.39%;夫妻RhD不相合29对(0.90%),其中RhD(+)3例,抗-D效价≥256。结论新生儿溶血病主要发生在O型母亲怀有的A型或B型血胎儿,但并不能排除A或者B型血母亲所怀血型不合的胎儿。应对血型不合夫妇(特别是O型妇女)进行产前IgG抗-A或B效价检查,做到早预防、早治疗。
Objective To explore the relationship between the titers of maternal blood group antibodies and the incidence of HDN. Methods The blood samples from 3 234 couples were collected before delivery and the ABO and Rh ( D ) blood type of the samples were identified. The titer of anti-A/B IgG and anti-D in maternal serum were measured by microcolumn gelatum in those pregnant women whose ABO blood group were incompatible to their husbands. Results In the I 901 couples with incompatible ABO blood groups, the percentage of the pregnant women, with the titers ≥64, were 980 {97.32% ) in pregnant women with blood group O, 13( 1.29% ) in blood group A, and 14{ 1.39% ) in blood group B. In the 29 RhD blood group incompatible couples, there were 3 with anti-D(+ ), with the titers≥256. Conclusion Pregnant women with blood type O, who carry fetus with blood type A/B, most likely suffer from HDN majorly. However, HDN may occur in pregnant women with blood type A/B, who have fetus with incompatible blood types. The titer of anti-A/B IgG in couple with incompatible blood type should be detected in order to prevent the HDN.
Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion