目的深入研究脑供血动脉的狭窄部位与睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征( sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome, SAHS)的关系,进一步探讨SAHS与缺血性脑血管病并存的机制。方法选取53例全脑数字减影血管造影证实的脑供血动脉狭窄患者,将其按脑供血动脉狭窄部位分为两组,所有患者进行多导睡眠图监测并将监测结果进行比较。结果53例脑血管供血动脉狭窄患者中并发SAHS者30例(56.6%)。Ⅱ组(椎-基底动脉系统血管狭窄)患者SAHS的发生率较Ⅰ组(颈内动脉系统血管狭窄)患者高,且更容易出现阻塞型和中枢型呼吸暂停事件。结论脑供血动脉狭窄患者具有较高的SAHS发生率,SAHS与脑供血动脉狭窄的密切关系不容忽视;椎-基底动脉系统脑供血动脉狭窄患者更容易发生SAHS,更容易出现阻塞型和中枢型呼吸暂停事件。
Objective To explore the possible correlation of the sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS) with cerebral artery stenosis. Methods Fifty-three patients who were proved to suffer from cerebral artery stenosis by digital subtraction angiography were enrolled. These patients were divided into two groups according to the position of cerebral artery stenosis. All the patients underwent a polysomnography and correlative parameters were compared. Results There were 30 patients suffering from SAHS in 53 patients (56.6%). In general, there were more patients suffering from SAHS, especially obstructive and central sleep apnea, in group Ⅱ (cerebral artery stenosis of vertebral artery system) than group I(cerebral artery stenosis of carotid artery system). Conclusions There is high incidence of SAHS in patients with cerebral artery stenosis, so more importance should be attached to the correlation of the SAHS with cerebral artery stenosis. The patients with cerebral artery stenosis of vertebral artery system may tend to suffer from SAHS,especially obstructive and central sleep apnea,more possibly.
International Journal of Respiration