对池塘饲养的野生大鳞鲃(Barbus capito)的鱼体组成、营养成分及鱼肉品质进行了研究,采用常规肌肉营养测定方法分析了5尾大鳞鲃的肌肉营养成分.结果表明:大鳞鲃肌肉(鲜样)中各组成的质量分数为粗蛋白20.27%,粗脂肪4.41%,水分73.39%,灰分0.96%,碳水化合物0.97%;含肉率64.46%.肌肉中含有17种氨基酸,总量为72.22%(干样,质量分数),其中必需氨基酸7种,总量为29.68%,占氨基酸总量的41.10%;4种鲜味氨基酸的总量为27.47%,谷氨酸含量为11.69%;根据FAO/WHO的理想模式,大鳞鲃肌肉必需氨基酸组成相对比较合理.大鳞鲃含有16种脂肪酸,饱和脂肪酸(SFA)8种(19.62%);不饱和脂肪酸(UFA)8种,其中单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)5种(74.16%),多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)3种(6.228%).微量元素比值合理.大鳞鲃的主要营养指标与我国中华倒刺鲃、光倒刺鲃相似,高于某些淡水经济鱼类,表明大鳞鲃为食用价值很高的优质鱼类.
Nutritional components in the muscle of Barbus capito were tested and analysed with routine methods.The five wild samples pond-cultured individuals were collected from Fangshan farm of Sturgen in August of 2006.The results showed that contents of crude protein,crude fat,moisture,ash and carbohydrates of fresh muscles were 20.27%,4.41%,73.39%,0.96%,and 0.97% respectively.It was found that dressed fish was 64.46%.The composition of amino acids from muscles was 17 common amino acids and 7 essential amino acids for human needs(no analysis was made for tryptophane).In dry sample the total content of amino acids was 72.22%;the content of essential amino acids was 29.68%;the percentage of essential amino acids in total amino was 41.10%;The ration of amino acids to nonessential amino acids(EAA/NEAA) was 69.77 %.It was apparent that the content of the different amino acids was stable and the corrtrition rate of the essential amino acids accorded with FAO/WHO Standard fundamentally.The four delicate amino acids accounted for 27.47% and the amount of lysine was 11.69%.There were 16 fatty acids in the muscle of Barbus capito,in which the eight saturated fatty(SFA) was 19.62%,the five MUFA was 74.16%,and polyunsalturated fatty(PUFA) was 6.228%.The composition of trace elements of Barbus capito was reasonable.The main nutritinal standard index is the same as Spinibarbus sinensis and S.hollandi,however,it is higher than some of the freshwater fishes.It was indicated that Barbus capito is one fishes with better nutritive value and rainsing value,deserving exploitation and untilization.
Journal of Tianjin Normal University:Natural Science Edition
Barbus capito
nutritional components