The enrichment of chloride anion within the occluded cell (OC) for Type 304 austenitic stainless steel in low chloride concentration solution has been investigated by means of a simulated OC. The influence of the enrichment of chloride anion on stress corrosion crack (SCC) of Type 304 stainless steel has been studied. It was observed that the amount of chloride anion migration was proportional to the charge flowing through the anode. Owning to the effects of enrichment of chloride anion, low chloride concentration solution could induce SCC for Type 304 stainless steel.
在为在低氯化物集中答案的类型 304 奥氏体的不锈钢的堵塞房间(OC ) 以内的氯化物阴离子的丰富借助于模仿的 OC 被调查了。类型 304 不锈钢的压力腐蚀快克(SCC ) 上的氯化物阴离子的丰富的影响被学习了。氯化物阴离子移植的数量与通过阳极流动的费用成正比,这被观察。拥有到氯化物阴离子的丰富的效果,低氯化物集中答案能为类型 304 不锈钢导致 SCC。
China Petroleum&Chemical Corporation(306021)