
医生工作倦怠与人口学变量关系的研究 被引量:10

Research on the Relation of Doctor's Working Weariness and Demographic Variable
摘要 目的探讨医生工作倦怠与人口学变量之间的关系。方法对3省9市公立医院医生采用分层随机抽样的方法进行《公立医院医生工作满意度与稳定性量表》调查。结果在所调查的4260名医生中,50.8%的医生工作倦怠指数在37~47分;27.7%的医生工作倦怠指数在12~36分;21.5%的医生工作倦怠指数在48~60分。不同性别、年龄、婚姻状况、学历、职称、带教情况、工作年限、科室、月平均收入、聘用形式的医生,其工作倦怠指数间差别有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论我国公立医院医生是工作倦怠的高危人群;人口学变量不同,医生工作倦怠水平存在差异。 Objective To explore the relation between physician's work weariness and demographic variable. Methods The stratified random sampling was taken to enroll doctors from public hospitals in 9 cities of 3 provinces, and questionnaires were used to investigate " work satisfaction and steadiness scale for doctors in public hospitals" Results For all the 4260 doctors investigated, 21.5% of them whose work weariness index was 12 -36 scores; 50. 8 % whose working weariness index was 37 -47 scores; 72.3% whose work weariness index was 48 -60 scores. Among the doctors with different sexes, ages, marital status, school record, title, teaching, length of service, working department, monthly salary and employment model, there was a significant difference in working weariness index. Conclusion Doctors in public hospitals of China are the population with higher risk of working weariness. Degree of weariness varies with different demographic variables.
出处 《中国全科医学》 CAS CSCD 2008年第15期1369-1372,共4页 Chinese General Practice
基金 国家自然科学基金--我国公立医院医生工作满意度与稳定性研究(70573078)
关键词 疲劳 医生 人口特征 Fatigue Physicians Population characteristics
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