目的研究硅烷偶联剂(CP)的使用对金属托槽与瓷面黏接强度的影响。方法150个烤瓷试件按不同瓷面处理随机分5组:A组喷砂处理;B组金刚砂车针打磨;C组9.6%氢氟酸酸蚀3 min;D组37%的磷酸酸蚀1 min;E组为未处理组。再根据是否使用CP各分2小组,每小组15个试件。黏接剂为3 M UniteTM黏接剂(3 M)。托槽粘接后在5℃和55℃水浴箱之间进行冷热水温度循环实验,使用材料实验机检测抗剪切强度,并记录瓷破裂指数(PFI),计算瓷破损率。结果使用CP后平均抗剪切强度有显著提高,与未使用CP组比较差别有统计学意义(P<0.05);瓷破裂率高于未使用CP组,两组比较差别有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论瓷面经处理后使用CP粘接托槽可达到满意的粘结强度,但瓷面破损及重新修复的机率增加。
Objective To investigate the influence of silane coupling agents ceramic primer(CP)on the bond strength of metal mesh-backed brackets to porcelain. Methods 150 glazed porcelain faces were randomly divided into 5 groups according to different conditioning techniques. (A)sandblasting with 50 μm Al2O3 particles, (B)deglazing by grinding, (C)etching with 9. 6% hydrofluoric acid(HF) for 3 min, (D) etching with 37% phosphoric acid(H3 PO4 )for 1 min, (E) untreated. Each group was further divided into 2 experimental groups according the surface treatment with CP or without CP treatment. 3M UniteTM adbesive were utilized to bond the bracket onto each sample. All specimens went through with 5 ℃ and 55 ℃ circled fatigue experiment. The shear bond strength was determined and the results were analyzed. Results The silanating CP groups resulted in a statistically significant higher bo,nd strength. The rates of porcelain fracture in the surface silanating CP groups was higher than that of omission CP groups. Conclusions The use of a silane primer CP after porcelain surface preparation can gave acceptable results for clinical use when metal brackets bond porcelain, but the silane primer application was associated with increased porcelain surface damage.
Journal of Fujian Medical University