以土垫旱耕人为土为供试土壤,采用大田试验,研究半湿润农田生态系统两种种植密度下不同施肥处理对冬小麦生物学性状及子粒产量的影响。试验设两种种植密度:常规密度(播种量为150.0kg/hm^2)和低密度(播种量为90.0kg/hm^2)。常规密度设7个施肥处理,即不施肥(CK),单施磷肥(PN0),单施氮肥(P0N135)和在施P的基础上每公顷施N45、90、135和180kg(即PN45、PN90、PN135、PN180);低密度施肥处理设不施肥(CK)、单施磷(PN0)、单施氮(P0N135)和氮磷配施(PN135)。结果表明,低密度时,CK处理分蘖数最低(每株平均3.2个),PN135分蘖数最高(每株平均6.9个);常规密度时,仍以CK分蘖数最低(每株平均3.2个),PN180分蘖数最大(每株平均6.8个)。低密度下,PN0和CK与P0N135和PN135间植株绿叶面积差异达显著水平(P<0.05),以PN135绿叶面积最大,PN0绿叶面积最小;常规密度下,PN180绿叶面积最大,为80.7cm^2/单茎,PN0绿叶面积最小,为44.4cm^2/单茎。低密度时,CK旗叶面积最小,PN135旗叶面积最大;常规密度下,CK和PN0处理间旗叶面积差异不显著,但均极显著小于其它施肥处理(P<0.01)。绿叶面积、旗叶面积与子粒产量呈极显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.875和0.931(n= 11)。群体全生育期,叶面积指数和透光率呈相反的变化趋势,透光率最小值出现在开花期,叶面积指数最高值也出现在开花期,透光率和叶面积指数与子粒产量密切相关,相关系数分别为0.942和0.954(n=11)。低密度时,PN0与CK子粒产量极显著低于P0N135及PN135(P<0.01);常规密度时,以PN135处理子粒产量最高,为7605.1 kg/hm^2。以上结果揭示,在评价施氮对冬小麦生物学性状及产量影响时,还应该考虑播种密度,密度较高时影响比较显著。综合考虑群体冠层特征和经济效益,本试验条件下,在施磷(100kg/hm^2)的基础上,以每公顷施氮135kg比较适宜。
A field experiment was carried out using manual loessial soil to study the effect of fertilizer application on biological characteristics and yield of winter wheat at two different densities: low density (90 kg/ha) and normal density (150 kg/ha). Normal density had 7 different fertilizer treatments: no fertilizer (CK), phosphorus (PN0), nitrogen (PON135) and different nitrogen and phosphorus combinations (PN45,PN90,PN135,PN180). Low density had 4 fertil-izer treatments: no fertilizer (CK), nitrogen (PON135), phosphorus (PN0) and nitrogen and phosphorus combination (PN135). The result showed that, under low density, the tiller number of CK (4.1 tillers per plant) was lowest and PN135 (6.9 tillers per plant) was highest. The tiller number of CK was lowest and PN180 was highest under normal density, with the average values being 3.2 and 6.8 tillers per plant, respectively. The total leaf area of PN0 and CK was significantly different from PON135 and PN135 under low density ( P 〈 0.05). Under normal density, the total leaf area of PN180 was highest (80.7 cm^2 per stem) and PN0 was the lowest (44.4 cm^2 per stem). Under low density, the flag leaf area of CK was lowest and PN135 was highest. There was no significant difference between CK and PN0 under normal density, but they were significantly different with other fertilizer treatments ( P 〈 0.01 ). The total leaf area and flag leaf area were significantly correlated with grain yield, with the correlation coefficients being 0.875 and 0.931, respectively. Across the whole growing season, DIFN had a change pattern inversed to LAI, with the value of DIFN being lowest at flowering, while LAI being highest at flowing. DIFN and LAI had significant correlations with grain yield, with correlation coefficients being 0.942 and 0.954, respectively. Under low density, PN135 grain yield was the highest (7605.1 kg/ha). In summary, the optimal fertilizer treatment was PN135 in the experiment.
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
ertilizer application
winter wheat
biological characteristics
canopy characteristics