
赋体溯源与先秦赋述论(上) 被引量:15

Origin of Fu Styles and Some Comments on Fu in Pre-Qin Dynasties(The First Half Part)
摘要 论及先秦赋,有的将《楚辞》中包括《天问》《九歌》在内的全部作品皆划入其中。论及赋的源头,有的认为来自行人辞令,而大部分是据"赋者,古诗之流也"及"赋者,铺采文,体物写志"的概念空泛加以推论。本文认为应根据已定型的汉赋的几种体式,分别探讨其源头。实际上骚赋、文赋、诗体赋和俗赋在战国之末都已形成。屈原在西周末年以来诵诗的基础上,吸收楚民歌的特征创造了骚赋和诗体赋。作为赋的主体的文赋,过去学者们或以为出于诸子,或以为出于行人之官,实际上其文本来自议对和行人辞令,但由应用文字而转变为文学的一种形式,同瞍矇的赋诵活动有关。是瞍矇选择有意义的议对和辞令,整齐其语言,使之更便于赋诵,从而促成了赋这种文学体裁的产生。除文献记载之外,先秦时较早的赋体作品中常以师旷为主要人物,也说明这一点。俗赋的题材则取自寓言和传说故事,它的形成同以表演、说笑愉悦人主和贵族的俳优有关。战国时淳于髡所编《晏子春秋》中有不少近于俗赋的作品,有的甚至传至汉代以后,在唐代俗赋作品中也得到反映,便是证明。瞍矇和俳优是先秦时代的专业文艺工作者,他们对赋的形成作出了贡献。 Some researchers regard all essays in Chu Ci such as Tian Wen and Jiu C,e as Fu works of Pre -Qin Dynasties. Meanwhile, with respect to the origin of Fu, some think Fu comes from diplomatic language,' yet many others make deduction from the general concepts that Fu is evolved from ancient poetry or it is formed by making colorful decoration on the writing and expressing the author's ideal by observing objects. The author thinks that we should explore the origins of Fu according to the different Fu styles shaped in the Hart Dynasty. In fact, Sao Fu, Wen Fu, Shiti Fu and Su Fu had been shaped in the end of the Warring States Period. Based on recited songs in the late of the Western Zhou Dynasty, Qu Yuan created Sao Fu and Shiti Fu by absorbing features of folk songs of the Chu State. Traditionally, Wen Fu, the main body of Fu, was thought to be created by philosophers or diplomats in the Pre- Qin Dynasties, but it actually came from written statements sent to the king or replies king's questions and diplomatic language. It was changed to be a literary form from applied language answering the and related to Sou Meng's (blind men) Fu -reciting activities. It was Sou Meng's who selected some meaningful statements from those ones and diplomatic language mentioned above, rearranged their words to be easy to recite and helped create this kind of Fu. Besides some arguments from record of literature, the fact that Shi Kuang (a blind musician) was usually a key character in early Fu essays of Pre - Qin Dynasties could be regarded as another proof. The subjects of Su Fu were selected from allegories and tales. The formation of Su Fu relates to Pal You's (comedians) who pleased their masters and noble men by performance and josh. Many essays close to Su Fu were colleted in Yan Zi Chun Qiu (Yan Ying's Stories) that was written by Chunyu Kun in the Warring States Period. Some of these essays were even passed until after the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty. As professional literary and art workers
作者 赵逵夫
出处 《辽东学院学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第3期86-99,共14页 Journal of Liaodong University:Social Science Edition
关键词 赋学 辞赋 文赋 俗赋 瞍喙 俳优 Fu study Ci Fu Wen Fu Su Fu Sou Meng Pai You
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