
仙台病毒抗体间接ELISA检测方法的建立及应用 被引量:2

Development and Application of An Indirect ELISA for Detection of Anti-SeV Antibodies
摘要 以纯化pQE31表达的融合蛋白仙台病毒FP(S)为诊断抗原、融合蛋白FP(S)免疫鼠血清为阳性抗体,建立了小鼠仙台病毒抗体检测的间接ELISA诊断方法。该抗原FP(S)不与其他常见的小鼠病毒(小鼠肝炎病毒、鼠痘病毒、小鼠肺炎病毒和呼肠孤病毒Ⅲ型)的阳性血清发生交叉反应,批内和批间重复性试验的变异系数均小于7%,与中国药品生物制品检定所的试剂盒符合率为98%。本研究建立的检测仙台病毒抗体的间接ELISA诊断方法,有很好的特异性和敏感性,为仙台病毒的抗体的检测提供了一种快速、简便的血清学诊断方法。 Using the recombinant and purified F(S) protein as antigen expressed in E. coli M15 and the anti-serum to F(S) protein as antibody, an indirect ELISA was successfully developed to detect antibody against Sendal virus. The recombinant F(S) protein antigen showed no cross-reaction with the positive sera of other 4 kinds of viruses containing MHV, Reo-3, ECT and PVM in mouse; coefficient of variability percent (C.V%) of intro-bateh duplieativity test and inter-batch duplieafivity test was less 7%. Result of comparison was tested between rf-ELISA and ELISA kit from National Institute For the Control of Pharmaceutical and Biological Products (NICPBP) showed that 98% concordance was obtained. Therefore, this rf-ELISA based on recombinant F(S) protein antigen has good sensitivity and specificity, can provide a simple and rapid assay for the antibody of Sendai virus.
出处 《上海交通大学学报(农业科学版)》 2008年第2期114-118,共5页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Agricultural Science)
基金 上海市科技发展基金项目(034909008)
关键词 仙台病毒 间接EIJSA 原核表达 FP(S) Sendal virus indirect ELISA prokaryotic expression FP(S)
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