目的采用瘤块种植法制备脊柱肿瘤动物模型。方法将SHZ-88大鼠乳腺癌细胞株接种雌性SD乳鼠,成瘤后植入去胸腺SD大鼠腰椎内,制成大鼠脊柱种植性肿瘤的动物模型。结果瘤块植入术后15 d病变节段大体标本见椎体表面有明显隆起的软组织肿块形成,包裹部分椎体表面;矢状面见椎体骨质凹陷,为肿瘤组织呈鱼肉样,肿瘤组织向周围骨质浸润;病理切片证实肿瘤形成。模型组成瘤率80%。结论瘤块种植法可构建大鼠脊柱种植性肿瘤模型。
Objective To establish a spinal tumor model with the tumor segment plant method. Methods SHZ-88 mammary cancer cell of the rat was a subcutaneous injected into female newborn rat to produce subcutaneous lump. Then tumor segments were planted into the lumbar vertebral of the female thymectomizes rats, to establish rat spinal tumor model. Results The involved vertebral bodies was observed encapsulate parts of the vertebral body,at 15 days after the surgery. Bone defect can be seen in the sagittal plane, tumor tissue appears gray-white in color and infiltration into the vertebral body. The model of spinal tumor was established in 80% rats. Conclusion Spinal tumor model in rat simulated the malignant tumor character, which has great signification in the study the character of the metastasis spinal neoplasms, and comparisons of the curative effects of different therapies.
Journal of Fujian Medical University
spinal disease
spinal neoplasms
disease models,animal