
一种基于Fuzzy丢包区分的TCP拥塞控制算法 被引量:7

TCP Congestion Control Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Loss Differentiating
摘要 在无线/有线混合网络中,传统TCP把所有的分组丢失简单归因于网络拥塞的盲目性严重影响了异构网络中TCP的性能。在对当前丢包区分算法分析的基础上,提出了一种采用fuzzy逻辑进行丢包区分的方法来解决这个具有明显fuzzy特征的问题,即采用条件概率构造不同丢包模式下的隶属度函数,从而按照最大隶属原则进行丢包原因区分,基于此方法,提出了一种适合无线环境的TCP拥塞控制算法。仿真验证表明,该算法较当前主要TCP版本及典型区分算法具有更为理想的效果。 In the hybrid wired/wireless network, traditional TCP versions undergo the unnecessary performance degradation for simply ascribing all the packet loss to congestion. Based on the analysis of current main loss differentiating algorithms, a fuzzy loss distinguishing method was proposed on this obvious fuzzy question, i.e. constructing the membership functions for different loss pattern, and then distinguishing them according the maximum membership principle. On the basis, a new TCP congestion control algorithm for heterogeneous network was brought out. Simulation shows it performs better than the current main TCP mechanisms and the typical distinguishing algorithm.
作者 苏放 范英磊
出处 《系统仿真学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期1904-1908,1911,共6页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 国家自然科学基金(60572122) 华为高校科技基金(YJCB2005055WL)
关键词 异构网络 Fuzzy丢包区分 拥塞控制 TCP heterogeneous network fuzzy loss differentiating conaestion control TCP
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