对于县级土地利用规划管理信息系统设计,绝大多数人集中在系统功能上,忽视了系统作为"国家—省—地—县"四级访问结构的底层结点的性质和数据交换与共享的要求。在综合考虑系统构建的成本、功能需求、数据交换和共享、未来系统扩展等多种因素的基础上,基于ArcGIS Engine平台进行了系统设计。主要包括系统的目标和设计原则,系统总体结构设计,系统组网方案(即县级服务器端如何配置、客户端如何配置、县级国土部门与其上一级国土部门之间如何实现数据交换与共享),系统功能设计(即基本功能设计、规划管理功能设计和统计分析功能设计),基于Geodatabase的数据库设计和其他设计等。
For the design of county level land-use planning and management information system, most designers focus on its function and neglect the character of being the most bottom node of "country-province-city-county, four-level framework and the demand for data exchange and data sharing. Following integrated consideration of cost of constructing system and demand for function and data exchange and data sharing and prospective system extend and so forth, the paper designs the system based on ArcGIS Engine. Its main contents involve system' s objectives and design principles and holistic structure design and network framework configure which include how to configure in the sever and client respectively and how to communicate between county level land department and its superior. And system function design that comprise basic function and planning and management function and statistics and analysis function and Geodatabase-based database design and other designs are also talked about.
Journal of Nanyang Normal University