当需要了解地理位置的详细信息时,通过百度地图上提供信息不能完全满足用户需求。针对百度地图在小区域内显示信息不完整的缺陷,从百度地图所提供的API接口出发,探讨了其开放接口的使用方法。通过对百度地图API进行二次开发,利用Java Script和JSP技术,实现了小区域内地点信息标注及点、线、面图层添加功能,采用了AJAX技术,实现了页面的无刷新访问和地图图层的动态加载,节省了网络流量,同时对小区域导航也进行了初步探讨,实现了自定义图层在百度地图上的添加,对利用百度地图进行特定区域内地理信息展示应用开发具有较好的借鉴意义。
When you need to learn more about location information and the deeper information through Baidu map, it can' t meet the needs of users. Against Baidu map shows incomplete information in the small area, to begin with the interface which is provided by Baidu maps API interface and explores the use of its open interfaces. The developers use JavaScript and JSP language, through the secondary development on Baidu map API, to achieve the detail information of the marked locations added in the small area. Such as points, lines, map layer and so on. Uses AJAX technology to achieve map layers without refreshing and loaded dynamically in order to save net- work traffic, while the small area navigation also were discussed to achieve a custom layer added on Baidu map. It has a certern reference on the Apps using Baidu Maps to display geographic information in the specific area.
Journal of East China University of Technology(Natural Science)
map editor' s note
Baidu map API
information display
small area navigati