针对传统有源功率因数校正电路中导通器件多、通态损耗大、不适于中大功率场合应用的缺陷,提出一种新颖的 Boost PFC 电路拓扑.该电路结构简单、效率高,相对于传统 PFC 电路,新型 Boost PFC 电路不仅减少了导通损耗,同时减少了器件损耗,适于中大功率场合应用.对该电路拓扑进行了理论分析,给出了仿真结果.
In allusion to the conventional PFC circuit has more conduction components and more conduction losses, it is unsuitable for high power converters. This paper presents a new Boost PFC converter , the proposed topology not only reduces conduction loss, but also reduces the total components count. Besides, the principle of operation, the theoretical analysis, and simulation results are presented.
Journal of Shaoguan University