Depend on the statistics from 1996 to 2005 about land transport density, the absolute deviation and relative deviation are measured by the way of standard deviation and variation coefficients, it indicates that there is a big gap among the three re- gions of China in absolute deviation and relative deviation. Through the farther analysis of location entropy, the result is that most of the provinces are located in east region for which the location entropies are more than 1. All of the western provinces are lower compared with the other regions about the location entropy. The research of correlation reveals that the relationship between land transport density and urbanization level is the most strong, but the primary industry, industrialization level, and the secondary industry have a negative correlation with land transport density. This paper use principal component analysis to study the dynamic correlation between land transport density and the effect factors. The result is showed that there is a strong linear dependence between land transport density and the factors. At last, this paper analyzes the cause of correlation among land transport density, urbanization, industrialization, and the secondary and the tertiary industry.
Geography and Geo-Information Science
land transport density spatio--temporal difference effect factors