
国际规范的生命周期与安全化理论——以艾滋病被安全化为国际威胁为例 被引量:15

Life Cycle of International Norms and Securitization Theory-A Case Study of the Securitization of HIV/AIDS
摘要 目前的国际规范研究往往未能将它的生命周期及其动力很好地结合起来。尽管国际规范的生命周期有着自身的特殊逻辑,但在全球化迅猛发展、同时民族国家仍占据着国际关系主导地位的环境下,国际规范的发展很大程度上仍与国家的安全相联系。因此,国际规范的生命周期与一项国际议题本身是否被安全化或非安全化有着很大的联系。随着"安全"被泛化,通过话语行为将一项议题安全化为"威胁",就可能导致一项国际规范的产生、普及乃至内化。当然,这种安全化努力必然会遭遇反对,而这就为非安全化和该国际规范的遭侵蚀奠定了基础。目前有关艾滋病的国际规范证明了这一理论论说。当然,正确的选择应当是:将一些无须用"威胁"来表达的问题拉出威胁—防卫逻辑循环的怪圈,从而创建更为全面与平衡的国际规范,而非仅以"安全"作为判断标准。这对中国的和平发展也具有重要意义。 Life cycle of international norms has its own logic of development.However,under the context of rapid development of globalization and the dominant position of sovereign state in international system,development of international norms has great linkage with the security concerns of sovereignty states.Thus,to a great extent,life cycle of international norms is determined by whether it is securitized or not.Though a 'speech-act',an issue is securitized as a 'threat' and a related international norm will be brought out,cascaded,and internalized.There are certainly some objective elements that lay the basis for desecuritization and the erosion of international norm.The case study of the securitization of HIV/AIDS is an obvious proof and suggests that the best choice is to prevent some issue from being securitized and to create comprehensive international norm related with these issues.
作者 潘亚玲
出处 《欧洲研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期68-82,共15页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地2005年度重大研究项目"国际安全和美国"的资助
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