This essay spotlights the problem of joining the empirical and the theoretical, and reviews from that point of view the rather extreme tendency to ignore the empirical in some Western modernist theories, especially the fundamentalist marketism and highly formalized neoclassical economics that have been made into state ideology by Neoconservatives in the U.S. Those have covered up the empirical background of the history of practice of the West itself. Postmodernists, on the other hand, have gone from the modernist belief in absolute truths to the opposite extreme of doubting all empirical evidence. This essay suggests that scholarly research must first of all take leave of ideology, and recognize that universalist and absolutist theories such as those of mathematics and physics are not possible in the humanities and social sciences. To develop a scholarship that is at once modern and Chinese, we need to build upon the longstanding Chinese epistemological tradition of joining the conceptual closely with the empirical, formulate analytical concepts on the basis of the history of practice, set aside the extreme epistemological theories of modernism (as well as of postmodernism), and at the same time draw upon what is genuinely modern in the history of practice of the West.
Open Times