Objective : To establish a method for determination of ursolic acid in Tingli jiangxuezhi tablets. Methods: To determine ursolic acid in Tingli jiangxuezhi tablets by HPLC. The liquid chromatography was carried out by a ZORBAX SB - C 18 (4. 6 mm× 150 mm, 5μm) with dectection wavelenth at 215nm. The mobile phase was methanol - water - acetic - acetonitrile(9: 25: 0.8: 65). The flow rate was 1.0mL · min^-1. Results: The carl/bration curve was linear in the range of 72 -360μg for ursolic acid( r =0. 9995). The average recovery( n =5)was 100, 3%. Concision: The method is rapid, accurate and reliable.
Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine