应用琼脂糖凝胶电泳技术,检测了1995年分离自云南思茅地区五县市鼠疫菌质粒。结果表明全部菌株除含有已知的6、45和65Mdal 3种常规质粒外,还存在1种分子量约为4Mdal的小质粒,该质粒与1992年澜沧、勐海、景洪等地流行株质粒特征一致,分析认为:滇西南部地区可能是家鼠疫源地的一个类型,思茅地区各县市相继发生的动物鼠疫流行是同属一个自然疫源地内的先后复燃。
Agar gel electrophoresis technology was adopted to detect the Pasteuralla Pestis plasmid extracted from the five areas of Simao in 1995. The result showed that those strains had one plasmid whose molecular weight is about 4 Mdal. besides the known 6, 45 and 65 Mdal usual plasmids. This plasmid was concord with the epidemic strainis of Lancang, Monghai and Jinghong in 1992. We thought the southwest area of Yunan maybe one of the plague epidemic area of domestic mouse. The animal plague prevalence in Simao area were early or later relapes of nature plague.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information