
浅谈“个性化”搜索 被引量:1

On "Personalized" Searching
摘要 传统信息检索技术满足了人们一定的需要,由于其通用的性质,仍不能满足不同背景、不同目的和不同时期的查询请求.个性化服务技术就是针对这个问题而提出的,它为不同用户提供不同的服务,以满足不同的需求.个性化服务通过收集和分析用户信息来学习用户的兴趣和行为,从而实现主动推荐的目的.个性化服务技术能充分提高站点的服务质量和访问效率。 Traditional information retrieval technologies satisfy users' need to a great extent,However, for their all-purpose characteristics, they can't satisfy any query from different background, with different intention and at different time.Personalized service technique is put forward for this problem, it provides a different service for the different customer to satisfy a different need, The Personalized service passes collections and analyzes a customer information to study interest and behavior of customer, carrying out the purpose of active recommendation thus.The Personalized service technique can raise service quality and interview efficiency that the station orders well, drawing on more visitants thus .
作者 汪翠红 WANG Cui-hong ( The Vocational Colleges in Anhui;Hefei 230051,China)
出处 《电脑知识与技术》 2007年第5期681-681,696,共2页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
关键词 搜索引擎 个性化搜索 search engine personalized search
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