
胡适文学改良主张中三个尚待澄清的问题 被引量:3

Three Unidentified Issues on Hu Shih’s Plan of Literary Reform
摘要 五四新文学运动初期,在对于胡适文学改良主张形成之缘起上,就已经有“外来说”昭示于众,而随着“本土主义”文学观的反弹,以及对于20世纪初期新文学和新文化运动的检讨,上述“外来说”甚至一度被贬斥为“舶来品”。与此同时,也有观点指出,将胡适文学改良主张仅仅依附于西方思潮的影响,事实上忽略了胡适文学思想和改良主张中的本土语境和本土要素。而在对上述两大派观点形成过程的检视中可以发现,无论是所谓“外来说”还是“本土说”,都与言说者所处时代语境以及言说者个人对于胡适之态度存在着或隐或显的关联。而正是这些关联,影响到对于胡适文学改良主张的全面细致考察。重新检视胡适文学改良主张中三个一度存在争议之问题,可以让我们进一步澄清这些对五四新文学运动产生了一定影响的观点主张形成的过程及其原因。 How do we interpret the Western context or Chinese context resulting in Hu Shih's new literary thoughts? For further researches, we should make sure what role the two contexts mentioned above play in boosting Hu Shih's advocating ideas for a literary reform and literary revolution during the New Literary and New Cultural Movement and what relationship the two contexts obtained. The two contexts and the discourses resulting from the contexts had once been regarded as "Westernization" and "cultural nationalism" in the narrative context of the history of the May Fourth New Cultural Movement. The former attached more importance to the Western background of the May Fourth New Culture, while the latter focused on its Chinese source and origin. Therefore, Hu Shih himself gradually developed his own narrative discourses of the literary history of "the Renaissance of Chinese literature and Art". In this set of discourses, Hu Shih thought of the May Fourth New Literary and Cultural Movement as a renaissance of literature, art and thought which was similar to the Western Renaissance. Furthermore, Hu Shih regarded the May Fourth New Cultural Movement as a short phase in the modern time which was only a chain in the Chinese renaissance of the millennium. Moreover, with the elapse of the May Fourth New Literary and Cultural Movement, Hu Shih laid more emphasis on the traditional Chinese context when he interpreted the tradition. After further researches, we can find that the closer Hu Shih was in time to the May Fourth Movement, the more obvious were the Western ingredients in Hu Shih' s new literary thoughts. In addition, he even proposed that the description of the Chinese modern characteristics should be Westernized and fully globalized. The central idea Hu Shih advocated for the literary reform was the necessity of Western ingredients. The idea was not only expressed in his essay Literary Reform but also completely indicated in the development of his cultural ideas.
作者 段怀清
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2007年第3期111-119,共9页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 胡适 《文学改良刍议》 新文学运动 历史的文学观念论 Hu Shih Literary Reform Chinese renaissance historical literary thoughts
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