目的:对表皮细胞的培养方法、临床应用进展方面的研究成果进行综述,展望其发展趋势。资料来源:应用计算机检索PubMed数据库1970-01/2006-08相关表皮细胞的文献,检索词“keratinocytes,culture,skin grafting”,同时检索中国期刊网2000-01/2006-08期间的相关文献,检索词为“表皮细胞,培养,皮肤移植”。资料选择:对资料进行初审,选取相关文献查找全文。纳入标准:①表皮细胞的培养。②表皮细胞的移植。排除标准:综述文献、重复研究类文章。资料提炼:共收集到30篇符合标准的文献,英文文献26篇,中文文献4篇,其中与培养相关的文献19篇,与移植相关的文献11篇。资料综合:自1975年以来,表皮细胞从最初的有血清、有滋养层培养,到无血清、无滋养层培养,再到后来的自动化培养。其培养方法有了较大的发展。这些发展促进了其临床应用,从细胞悬液移植到自、异体细胞膜片移植,再到表皮细胞-生物材料复合物移植。培养和移植方法的发展使人们在治疗大面积皮肤缺损方面看到了希望。结论:目前在表皮细胞培养及其临床应用上还有不少问题需要解决,但随着表皮细胞培养方法和技术的进一步完善,特别是与纳米科学、材料科学等学科的交叉,定能在不远的将来获得理想的永久性皮肤替代物。
OBJECTIVE: To review the study results of the culture and clinical application of keratinocytes and view its development. DATA SOURCES: We searched PubMed for keratinocytes-related articles published between January 1970 and August 2006 on the computer, with the key words of "keratinocytes, culture, skin grafting". Meanwhile, we also searched China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) for keratinocytes-related articles published between January 2000 and August 2006, with the key words of "keratinocytes, culture, skin grafting". STUDY SELECTION: The articles were chosen primarily. Those were related to keratinocytes were enrolled and their full text were searched for. Inclusive criteria: (1)the culture of keratinocytes, and (2)the transplantation of keratinocytes. Exclusive criteria: review and repeated articles were excluded. DATA EXTRACTION: Totally 30 articles were collected according to the inclusive criteria. Of them, 26 articles were English and 4 articles were Chinese. Among them, 19 articles were related to the culture of keratinocytes, and 11 articles were related to the grafting of keraUnocytes. DATA SYNTHESIS:Sinca 1975, the cultural method of keratinocytes had made great progress, from primal serum and feeder layer culture to serum-free and feeder layer-free culture, to automation culture. This development had promoted clinical application of keratinocytes, from cell suspension transplantation to autografts transplantation, to cograft transplantation. These developments make people see the hope in the treatment of the large cutaneous deficiency. CONCLUSION: There are many problems to be solved, such as call culture and its clinical application of keratinocytes. But with the development of the cultural method and technology of keratinocytes, especially crossing with nanometer scienca'and materials science, permanent skin substitute will be obtained in the near future.
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research