在45℃下对溶解氧对聚合物污水溶液表观黏度(170s^-1)的影响作了全面的实验研究。采油污水取自大庆采油二厂.矿化度4013、Fe^3+、∑Fe、SO4^2-分别为0.2、1.0、9.6mg/L。厌氧实验操作和测试均在Baetron 1.5型厌氧室中进行。污水中SRB菌数随放置时间延长而增加,厌氧条件下增速远大于曝氧条件下的增速,放置7天时菌数相差6—600倍。用脱氧和含氧加盐蒸馏水配制的抗盐型和功能型聚合物溶液的黏度,均随放置时间延长(1~10天)而减小,脱氧溶液的黏度总是明显大于含氧溶液。0.5g/L超高分聚合物溶液在厌氧和曝氧条件下放置时,黏度随放置时间延长而减小,分别由1天时的22.2和28.8mPa·s减至60天时的2.7和3.4mPa·s,曝氧条件下的黏度总是大于厌氧条件下的黏度;加入甲醛杀菌剂使溶液黏度的减小趋缓,60天时为8.9和9.6mPa·s;在4~8mg/L范围改变含氧量,当舍氧6mg/L时放置2~40天时的黏度均最大,40天时为18.2mPa·s。6mg/L为污水的合理曝氧量。分析了聚合物降解、SRB菌作用、杀菌剂作用等机理。表6参10。
The effects of dissolved O2 on apparent viscosity at 170 s^-1 of polymer solutions prepared in oilfield produced water are comprehensively investigated in laboratory at 45℃. The produced water is taken from the 2nd Daqing production factory, being of TSD = 4013 mg/L and concentrations of Fe^2 + , Fe^2+ Fe^3+, SO4^2- 0.2, 1.0, 9.6 mg/L, respectively. All the anaerobic procedures and measurements are performed in anaerobic chamber Baetron-1.5. With increasing standing time, the SRB population increases more fast under an anaerobic, or O2 free, atmosphere than under an O2 containing atmosphere and a 6-600-fold difference in SRB population is observed in 7 days. For solutions of a salt resistant and a functional aerylarnide polymers in O2 free and containing distilled water with salts added, the viscosity decreases with increasing standing time (1-10 days) and the O2 free solutions always has higher viscosity than the O2 containing solutions, For 0.5 g/L ultrahigh molar mass HPAM polymer solutions, the viscosity decreases with increasing standing time, too, from 22.2 and 28.8 mPa·s over 1 day to 2.7 and 3.4 mPa·s over 60 days under O2 free and containing atmosphere, respectively, and is always higher under O2 free atmosphere than at O2 containing atmosphere; introducing bactericide formalin reduces the tendency of viscosity diminishing and the viscosity of O2 free and containing solutions is of 8.9 and 9.6 mPa · s in 60 days of standing; with increasing O2 content from 4 to 8 mg/L, the solution viscosity values go through a maximum at O2 content= 6 mg/L when standing over 2-40 days, being of 18.2 mPa·s in 40 days of standing. The optimal O2 content in the produced water appears to be of 6 mg/L. The mechanisms involved in polymer degradation and in functions of SRB bacteria and the bactericide are analyzed.
Oilfield Chemistry
polymer solutions
oil field produced water treatment by oxygen exposure
dissolved orygen control
viscosity control
polymers for EOR : Daqing oil fields