通过测定腐蚀液的氧化还原电位的变化,研究了FeCl3腐蚀液的失效规律,并以还原铁粉为置换剂,去除含镍的FeCl3腐蚀液中的镍组分。系统研究了铁镍比、反应温度、反应时间、溶液pH值等因素对FeCl3腐蚀废液再生恢复效果的影响。结果表明,随着腐蚀过程的进行,氧化还原电位在开始的10 min内迅速下降190 mV;当腐蚀液中所溶Fe-Ni合金的质量浓度达到65 g/L时,基本失去腐蚀能力;而加入高表面活性的铁粉,在n(Fe)/n(Ni)=3、提高反应温度、反应时间约为60 min、pH≈4的条件下,腐蚀液的氧化还原电位恢复到新鲜腐蚀液的95%以上,达到了FeCl3腐蚀液再生利用的要求。
The failure law of FeCl3 solution is studied by measuring redox potential of the etching solution. And the effects of Fe/Ni ratio, reaction temperature, reaction time, solution pH, etc. on regenerating efficiency of the spent FeCl3 solution are systematically investigated by using iron powder as replacing agent to remove the nickel component in the etching solution. The results show that the redox potential decreases rapidly about 190 mV in the first ten minutes; FeCl3 solution almost loses etching ability when Fe-Ni content in the etching solution reaches 65 g/L; but when active iron powder of high activity area is added, Fe/Ni ratio is at 1~3, higher reaction temperature used, reaction time about 60 min, and pH around 4, the redox potential of the spent FeCl3 solution can restore more than 95 % of that of the fresh solution, so that it can be reused in etching process.
Electroplating & Pollution Control