采用真空气相沉积法在玻璃和单晶硅衬底[111]上制备纳米SnO2及稀土金属钕掺杂薄膜,并对薄膜进行热处理。对薄膜进行XRD、SEM测试。实验显示,不同衬底制备SnO2薄膜在未掺钕时结构有明显区别,采用同样工艺条件在玻璃衬底上制备的SnO2薄膜没有显示择优生长;在硅衬底上制备未掺钕SnO2薄膜显示出沿[101]晶向择优生长趋势。掺钕(5 at%)玻璃衬底制备的薄膜沿[110]衍射峰较强,但薄膜基本呈现自由生长;掺钕后硅衬底制备的薄膜则强烈沿[110]晶向择优生长,随掺钕含量增加择优生长趋势消失,当掺钕含量为(5 at%)时薄膜呈自由生长结构较完善。SEM给出在玻璃基片生长的薄膜表面形貌呈均匀小颗粒状,平均晶粒尺寸在30 nm左右。硅基片制备的薄膜表面则呈紧密均匀带孔颗粒状;颗粒尺寸约1000 nm与计算值相差较大。两种衬底制备的SnO2薄膜经稀土钕掺杂可抑制晶粒生长。本实验中钕掺杂量为5 at%(热处理T=500℃,t=45 m in)时薄膜结构特性最佳。
SnO2 films and Nd-doped SnO2 nanofilms were prepared by vacuum deposition on glass and single-crystal Si[111] substrates with heat-treatment in O2. Then, the films were tested with XRD and SEM. The results showed that the structures of the films on different substrates were different significantly. The SnO2 films without doping on glass substrates show no preferred growth tendency, but those on Si substrates show the tendency in the [101] cyystallographic direction. However, the Nd(5 at%)-doped films on glass substrates show a free growth tendency in the [110] direction with a strong diffraction peak. The films doped by Nd on Si substrates show that the preferred growth tendency is stronger in the [110] direction, but the tendency would vanish with the increase in doped Nd. The freely growing structure is more perfect when the Nd content is around 5 at %. The results of SEM show that the surface morphology of the films on glass substrates are homogeneous with small grains of which the average grain size is about 30 nm, And the surface morphology of the films on Si substrates are homogeneous with tight grains and pores, of which the average grain size is about 1000 nm, that is obviously different from the calculated value. The Nd-doping can suppress the growth of crystal grains in films on both substrates. An optimized structure of the films appears when Nd component is 5.0 at % and the heat-treatment conditions are about T= 500℃ and t 45 min.