目的 观察光氧化处理的牛颈静脉带瓣管道用于重建右心室—肺动脉连接后,在体内循环系统中与血流接触条件下的抗钙化性能及其血流动力学性能。方法 以经光氧化反应处理的牛颈静脉带辩管道为研究时象,以单纯戊二醛交联固定的牛颈静脉带瓣管道作为对照,建立犬重建右心室—肺动脉连接的动物模型;实验动物饲养观察10个月后,通过超声心动图和心导管检查等方法评价两种不同方法固定处理的牛颈静脉带瓣管道重建犬右心室—肺动脉连接后的血流动力学性能,并了解牛颈静脉管道内的瓣膜在犬的右心系统内的功能。屠宰实验动物后取出标本,通过原子吸收光谱法测定组织钙含量,von Kossa钙盐染色观察组织钙化情况。结果 心脏超声显示两组管道均通畅,瓣叶活动良好。光氧化处理组结扎肺动脉前、后直接测压及术后9-10个月通过心导管测压,所测得的跨瓣压差维持在较低水平,跨瓣压差无明显升高;戊二醛组结扎肺动脉前、后及术后9—10个月测得的跨瓣压差与光氧化组相似。光氧化组管道血管壁钙含量为7.60±8.02mg/g,戊二醛组管道血管壁钙含量为丝,05±10.78mg/g,两组有显著性差异(P〈0.05);光氧化组和戊二醛组管道瓣膜钙含量分别为0.74±0.23mg/g和0.88±0.69mg/g,两组相比无统计学差异(P〉0.05)。结论 光氧化反应处理固定的牛颈静脉带瓣管道可用于重建右心室—肺动脉连接,血流动力性能良好,与自体肺动脉相当,远期血流动力学性能尚待进一步观察研究。光氧化反应处理固定的牛颈静脉带瓣管道在狗的动物模型中,抗钙化性能优于戊二醛固定的牛颈静脉管道。
Aim To research the hemodynamie property and the anti-calcification feature of bovine jugular vein conduit cross-linked by dye-mediated photooxidafion. Methods Bight ventrieular outflow tract (RVOT) was reconstrueted for 12 canines, 7 with bovine jugular vein conduits eross-linked by dye-mediated photooxidafion treatment, 7 with bovine jugular vein conduits simply eross-linked by glutaraldehyde. After feeding 9 to 10 months, then the hemodynamic property was evaluated by echocardiography and heart catheter examination. Tissue ealeium content was analyzed by flame atomic absorption speetrophotometer. Results Eehocardiography revealed that the motion of the valvular leaflets in both groups of conduit that erosslinked by glutaraldehyde and eroas-linked by dye-mediated photooxidation were satisfying. Heart catheter revealed the transvalvular pressure gradients of both studied groups were minimal. Walls of bovine jugular vein conduit that creas-linked by dye-mediated photcoxidafion treatment had less calcification than bovine jugular vein conduits that simply cross-linked by glutaraldehyde. Compared with the latter ones, the tissue calcium content of the formers decreased 65.6%. It is also found that the walls of the bovine jugular vein had far more calcification than the valves in both groups. Condusions RVOT with bovine jugular vein conduits was reconstructed at 9-10 months, which hemodynamic property seems equivalent to pulmonary artery. The bovine jugular vein creas-linked by dye-mediated photooxidafion treatment appears to have less calcification.
Chinese Journal of Arteriosclerosis