
青少年神经质人格、互联网服务偏好与网络成瘾的关系 被引量:102

The Relationship Between Adolescents'Neuroticism,Internet Service Preference,and Internet Addiction
摘要 采用问卷法,以339名中学生为被试,通过无拘束结构方程模型分析方法探讨了神经质人格特征与互联网服务偏好的交互作用对网络成瘾(病理性互联网使用,PIU)的影响。研究发现在对PIU的影响上,神经质人格与互联网社交、娱乐和信息服务偏好存在显著的交互作用,但与互联网交易服务偏好不存在显著的交互作用:(1)从平均影响来看,互联网社交、娱乐和交易服务偏好以及神经质人格对PIU有显著的正向影响,而互联网信息服务偏好对PIU没有显著影响;(2)在神经质高分组中,互联网社交、娱乐和信息服务偏好与PIU的正向关系都是最强的;在神经质低分组中,互联网社交服务偏好与PIU的正向关系最弱,而互联网娱乐和信息服务偏好与PIU甚至呈现出微弱的反向关系;(3)即便是高神经质人格类型的青少年,对信息服务的偏好也不容易使其卷入PIU;而对于低神经质人格类型的青少年来说,即便是偏好社交和娱乐服务,也不容易卷入PIU。 The present study uses unconstrainted structural equation model to explore the interactive effects of adolescents'Neuroticism and intemet service preference on intemet addiction, by surveying a sample of 339 adolescents through questionnaires. Results from this study indicate that the interactive effects of adolescents'Neuroticism and intemet social, recreational and information service preference, except business service preference, are significant : ( 1 ) On average effect, adolescents'Neuroticism, intemet social, recreational, and business service preference have a positive effect on internet addiction, and intemet information service preference has no significant effect on intemet addiction; (2) Neuroticism moderates the relationships between intemet social, recreational, business service preference and intemet addiction. Especially, these relationships are stronger for adolescents high in Neurotieism; (3) Further slope tests indicate that, for high Neurotieism adolescents, intemet information service preference still has no effect on intemet addiction; for low Neuroticism adolescents, internet social and recreational service preference have no significant effect on intemet addiction.
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期375-381,共7页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
基金 北京市教委人文社会科学研究计划重点项目(SZ200610028006) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20050028002) 北京市重点学科(发展与教育心理学) 北京市重点实验室(学习与认知)的资助
关键词 青少年 网络成瘾 神经质人格 互联网服务偏好 交互作用 adolescents, internet addiction, Neuroticism, intemet service preference, interactive effects.
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