
ISSR和RAPD-PCR技术对东北地区主推玉米品种的鉴别 被引量:9

Indentification of Varieties among Eitheen Northeast Dominat Maize by ISSR and RAPD-PCR Methods
摘要 运用现代分子生物学简单重复区间序列扩增多态性(ISSR)和随机扩增片段多态性DNA(RAPD)两种分子标记技术,对吉林省主推6个玉米杂交种及其父本、母本共计18份基因图谱进行鉴别.以ISSR为主要检测方法、RAPD为验证方法,分别从30条ISSR引物中选出4条、从30条RAPD引物中筛选出2条扩增效果明显、特异性高的引物.结果表明,运用ISSR和RAPD-PCR技术提高了玉米品种鉴定和纯度鉴定的准确性. The gene maps of eighteen maize samples were analyzed by inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker methods. The ISSR method was the primary method and was validated by the RAPD method. 4 highly polymorphic primers were screened out from 30 random ISSR primers and 2 highly polymorphic primers were screened out from 30 random RAPD primers. In conclusion, uniting ISSR combined with RAPD can raise the veracity of indentification.
出处 《吉林大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期509-512,共4页 Journal of Jilin University:Science Edition
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划项目基金(批准号:2001AA215131).
关键词 玉米 ISSR RAPD 品种鉴别 maize ISSR RAPD indentification of varieties
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