OBJECTIVE To develop a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for isolating anti measuring the content of synthetic colorants in officinal capsule. METHODS HPLC with gradient elution was used in the contents measurement of 6 different colors capsules. Mobile phase A was acetonitrile, B was 0.02 mol·L^-1 ammonium acetate. Elution program:0 - 5 min,8% - 18% of phase A and 92% - 82% of phase B; 5 - 12 min, 18% - 74% of phase A and 82% - 26% of phase B; 12 - 15 min, 74% - 74% of phase A and 26% - 26% of phase B. The elution speed of the mobile phase was 1.0mL·min^-1. The wave length of UV detector was 254 nm. The temperature of the colunm was 25℃, sample size was 10μL.RESULTS 93.2%~98.5% of synthetic colorants in the capsules were recovered, the peak concentrations were at the range of 5 ~ 60 mg·L^-1, Relative standard deviation was at the range of 0.8 % ~ 3.0%. CONCLUSION Different synthetic colorants are completely separated by the method.
Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal