2参见 David G. Owen, Problems in Assessing Punitive Damages Against Manufacturers of Defective Product. 49 U Chi. L Rev. 1. 8(1982)转引自[台]林德瑞:论惩罚性赔偿,载《中正大学法学集刊》,第一集,第32页. 被引量:1
4原文为:(1)punitive damages are damages,otherthan compensatory or nominal damages,awarded against a person to punishhim for outrageous conduct and deter him and others like him from similar conduct in the future. (2) Punitive damages may be awarded for conduct that is outrageous, because of the defendant' s evil motive or his reckless indifference to the others. In assessing punitive damages, the trier of fact can properly consider the character of the defendant' s act, the nature and extent of the harm to the plaintiff that the defendant caused or intended to cause and the wealth of the defendant. 被引量:1
5原文为:"Punitive damages" means an award of money made to a claimant solely to punish or deter. See, Uniform Law Commissioners' Model Punitive Damages Act(2000), Section 1. 被引量:1