发育生物学是研究生物变化过程的科学,尤其是对胚胎,因为胚胎是动植物从受精卵发育到成体的必经之途,是介于基因型和表型之间的过渡体。肿瘤,是分化异常、生长失控的细胞集合体, 恶性肿瘤严重威胁着人们的身心健康。在发育生物学领域,人类对自身的认识,尤其是对受精卵到个体发育的解读在不断地探索。同样,人们对肿瘤的研究也在不断地深入。研究发现肿瘤细胞和胚胎细胞生物学行为存在某些相似之处,这启发人们从发育生物学角度去认识肿瘤的发生、发展。本文从发育生物学角度详细评述了肿瘤细胞的起源、胚胎与肿瘤相似性和差异性比较及肿瘤与胚胎相互作用的研究进展。
Developmental biology is a subject studying the change process of the organism, especially about the embryo, because the embryo is the key of the zygote to the adult between genotype and phenotype. Cancer is the cell aggregation with abnormal differentiation and uncontrolled growth. Recently, it has been described that the biological behaviors of cancer cells are similar to that of embryonic cells in many publications. It enlightens us to study the cancer cells using the view of developmental biology. This article reviews the origin of cancer cells, the similarities and the differences between the tumor and the embryo, moreover the experimental progress of the tumor and the embryo in detail.
Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences