van Dijk几十年来对话语作了多方面的研究,提出了对话语的一整套看法。本文从七个方面总结了van Dijk的话语观:1)话语的概念;2)话语结构;3)宏观结构理论;4)话语和社会;5)话语和语境;6)话语和意识形态;7)话语分析原则。本文根据Van Dijk的研究思路,提出了我国在话语篇章研究领域值得加强的几个方面。
Based on his comprehensive research on discourse for more than several decades, van Dijk has conceptualized his systematic understanding of discourse in his wor ks, which exerts a very important impact in the field. This paper summarizes the components of van Dijk's concept of discourse from the following 7 aspects: 1) c oncept of discourse, 2) discourse structure, 3) macro_structure theory, 4) disco urse and society, 5) discourse and context, 6) discourse and ideology, and 7) pr inciples of discourse analysis. It is believed that his concept of discourse has some important implications for Chinese discourse research in the future.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research