The developing tendency of global rule of law for human rights is a new chance to perfect the legal system of our labor law. We should set up and pronounce 4 systems to strengthen the protection for labor fights: pronunciation of rights, prevention from hurts, and help from the law and aids from the country. From the view of the system of law pronunciation, we should detail the connotation and extension of labor right in law, make up the mistakes in legislation and lift the legal level of labor right ; from the view of the system of prevention, we should inspect the present laws according to the international items and strengthen the system of labor contracts ; from the view of the system of help from the law, we should increase the methods of solving labor conflicts, change the condition of “conclusions coming before the trail” which avoids the arbitration as the necessary process, and set up “labor court” to increase the efficiency of trails ; from the view of the system of aids from the country, we should establish unified and authoritative aids system of the country in legislation, and perfect the forcing system which the citizens should obey.
Journal of Xiangtan University:Philosophy And Social Sciences
human rights
labor right
aids from the law