
长沙市内和娄底市农村两所小学3~6年级学生心理健康状况的调查 被引量:8

Psychological health status among pupils of grades 3 to 6 in two primary schools of urban Changsha city and rural Loudi city
摘要 目的:了解小学儿童的心理健康状况。方法:运用心理健康测量表于2004-05/07对长沙市内和娄底市农村各一所小学3~6年级300名儿童进行心理健康状况的调查,并比较不同性别、城乡小学生的心理健康状况。心理健康测量表包括人际关系紧张敏感、心理承受力差、适应性差、心理不平衡、情绪失调、焦虑、抑郁、敌对、偏执、躯体化共10个项目,采用5级评分法,无为1分,偶尔为2分,时有为3分,经常为4分,总是为5分。各因子均以2分为简单判断心理健康的标准分数线,总均分2~2.99分为轻度的心理健康问题,3~3.99分为中等程度的心理问题,4~4.99分为比较严重的心理健康问题,5分为非常严重的心理健康问题。结果:调查总样本300名,排除填写不合格的44份,回收回答规范的样本256份。①小学生的心理健康总体状况:50.7%的小学生总均分在2分以下,45.1%的小学生在2~2.99之间,4.2%在3~3.99之间。其中,存在人际关系紧张与敏感、心理承受力差、适应性差、心理不平衡、情绪失调、焦虑、抑郁、敌对、偏执、躯体化的儿童分别达53.1%,43.4%,52.8%,30.1%,56.6%,45.8%,31.8%,41.3%,45.5%和44.1%。②不同性别小学生心理健康状况差异:女生在心理承受力、适应性、情绪失调、焦虑、抑郁、偏执、躯体化项目上的平均指数高于或略高于男生(2.40,2.29;2.27,2.19;2.35,2.25;2.15,2.12;2.09,2.02;2.08,2.07;1.95,1.94)。而男生在敌对这一项目上高于女生(1.98,1.93)。男女学生的人际关系紧张敏感、心理承受力差、适应性差、情绪失调、焦虑、抑郁、偏执等这些指标的平均值均高于2分。③城乡小学生心理健康状况差异:农村儿童除了敌对这一项目的平均水平低于城市儿童外(1.94,1.96),其余项目均高于城市儿童。结论:小学生心理问题比较普遍,超过50%的儿童存在人际关系紧张敏感、适应性差、情绪失调等问题。女生的心理� AIM: To investigate the psychological health status of children in primary school.METHODS: Between May and July 2004, the psychological health status of 300 children of grades 3 to 6 in a primary school of urban Changsha city and rural Loudi city respectively was assessed with the inventory, and the psychological health status was compared between different gender and between those from urban and rural areas. The inventory of psychological health consisted of 10 items of interpersonal sensitivity, bad psychological endurance, had adaptation, psychological imbalance, emotional disturbance,anxiety, depression, hostility, paranoid ideation and somatization; 5-grade scoring was used, none as 1 point, occasionally as 2 points, sometimes as 3 points, often as4 points, always as 5 points; 2 points was taken as the standard border for the simple judgement of psychological.health for each factor, The total scores of 2.00 to 2.99, 3,00 to 3.99 and 4 to 4.99 were considered as mild,moderate, severe and quite severe mental problems respectively.RESULTS: Totally 300 samples were-investigated, 44 inventories were deleted for unqualified filling, and 256 qualified ones were collected back.① The general status of psychological problems in pupils: The total average score was below 2 points in 50.7% of the pupils, 2.00 to 2.99 points in 45.1% of the pupils, and 3.00 to 3.99 points in 4.2% of the pupils; The symptoms of interpersonal sensitivity, bad psychological endurance, bad adaptation, psychological imbalance, emotional disturbance,anxiety, depression, hostility, paranoid ideation and somatization occurred in 53.1%, 43.4%, 52.8%, 30.1%, 56.6%, 45.8%, 31.8%, 41.3%, 45.5% and 44.1% of the pupils. ② Differences of psychological health status between pupils of different gender: The average indexes of psychological endurance, adaptation, emotional disturbance, anxiety, depression, paranoid ideation and somatization were higher or slightly higher in females than in males (2.40, 2.29; 2.27, 2.19; 2.35, 2.25; 2.15, 2.1
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第20期112-113,共2页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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