建立了基于能量平衡描述冶炼周期、电耗与操作工艺参数之间关系的电弧炉冶炼能量结构模型。根据电弧炉冶炼周期综合控制理论,指出现代电弧炉能量结构优化的核心是缩短冶炼周期和降低电耗。对于安钢100 t竖炉电弧炉,通过该模型计算出最佳的工艺参数为热装31%铁水、吹氧量5 500 m3/h、供电平均有功功率55 MW、采用轻型废钢进行预热。铁水不足的条件下,应添加生铁或改性生铁作为补充,同时应根据冶炼周期最短的原则对吹氧制度和供电制度进行综合控制,保证冶炼过程中合适的吹氧量和提高供电的综合热效率。
An energy structure model for modern EAF steelmaking was established to show the relationship among tap to tap time, electrical energy consumption and operational parameters based on the energy balance. According to the integrated control theory of modern EAF tap to tap time, it is pointed out that the energy structure optimization for modern EAF steelmaking should be focused on shortening tap to tap time and reducing electrical energy consumption. The optimal operational parameters of 100 t shaft EAF at Anyang Steel are calculated with a model under the conditions: charge of hot metal 31%, oxygen flow 5500 m^3/h, average active power 55 MW and with preheating light scrap. When hot metal is insufficient, some pig iron or modified pig iron should be charged to supply carbon for oxidation. Oxygen blowing and energy input regime should be controlled integrally to achieve proper oxygen consumption and heat efficiency based on the principle of shortest tap to tap time.
Iron and Steel