
汉族移民与云南统一 被引量:47

Han Migrants and the Unification of Yunnan
摘要 汉武帝元封二年(公元前109年)设置益州郡,并在建立郡县的同时实行屯垦戍边的政策,大量汉族人口迁移到云南,作为边郡的主要社会基础,为维护汉王朝的统一做出了贡献。三国两晋以后,进入云南的汉族移民发生"异化",出现了"以夷变夏"的"夷化"趋势。天宝战争以后,唐朝兵败退出云南,出现了长达500年的南诏、大理的自治独立局面。元代建立云南行省,并在云南推行民屯与军屯,不仅解决了军队的粮饷,增加了国家赋税,更重要的是维护祖国的统一,保卫边疆的稳定。明代在云南推行卫所制度,大量汉族军户进入云南,使"夷多汉少"的居民结构发生了根本改变。原住的夷人与土著的汉人合为"云南人"。清代推行大规模的改土归流及汛塘制度,越来越多的汉族移民不断进入云南,并进一步渗透到坝区边缘与山区腹地。在推进移民殖边的过程中,伴随着实施改土归流、开科取士等一系列政策,汉文化在云南得到更加广泛和深入地传播,云南不仅在政治上、经济上、文化上与中原结成一个整体,而且进一步确立了民族国家的普遍认同,成为统一多民族国家不可分离的有机组成部分。 In 109 BC (the second year of Yuanfeng of Hanwu Emperor) Yizhoushire was established in Yunnan and a great number of the Hans migrated to Yunnan for opening up wasteland and safeguarding the border area. These Han migrants, as a main social force, made their contribution to the unification of the Han Dynasty. After the Three Kingdoms and the Jin Dynasty, these Han migrants became 'alienated'. After the army of the Tang Dynasty was defeated in the Tianbo War and withdrew from Yunnan, the Nanzhao-Dali Kingdom (a local regime) had its autonomy for 500 years. Yunnan Administrative Province was established in the Yuan Dynasty. The reclaiming of wasteland by the common people and the army provided grain to the army, paid tax to the state and helped stabilize the border area and maintain the unification of China. In the Ming Dynasty, with the moving of more garrison troops into Yunnan the former population composition with more minorities than the Hans changed a lot. The native minorities and the local Hans became 'Yunnanese'. With the power-shift movement and the new military arrangement in the Qing Dynasty, more and more Han migrants entered many parts of Yunnan, including the border area of the plains and the mountains. Together with other policies like the imperial civil examination being carried out in Yunnan, Han culture enjoyed a more extensive dissemination in Yunnan. Thus, politically, economically and culturally, Yunnan combined itself with the Central Plains, forming an organic whole, and was universally accepted as an inseparable part of China as a unified multinational country.
作者 林超民
出处 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期106-113,共8页 Journal of Yunnan Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 汉族移民 云南人 云南统一 Han migrant Yunnanese unification of Yunnan
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