烧结机炉篦条的主要失效形式是烧蚀和折断。为了提高炉篦条的强度和耐蚀性能, 对其成分进行优化设计。高铬铸铁中加入适量的Al和Si,以提高其抗氧化性,此外还加入适量的B、Zr和Y,使其组织细化,有利于高铬铸铁力学性能的大幅度提高,最终提高高铬铸铁篦条使用性能。此外,篦条制造中还采用了过滤处理工艺,以减少铸造组织中的夹杂物数量,提高铸铁的强度、韧性和抗氧化性。国产改进型高铬铸铁篦条在450 m2大型烧结机台车上使用,篦条消耗9-12 g/t,使用寿命超过3年。
The main failure forms of grate bars used in sintering machines are ablation and fracture. In order to improve the bar's strength and corrosion resistance,the optimization design to its composition has been made.Through adding proper aluminum and silicon in high chromium cast iron,the bar's oxidation resistance can be improved. In addition, after being modified with right amount boron, zirconium and yttrium,the structure of high chromium cast iron will be refined,which will greatly improve the bar's mechanical performance and service property. As the filtration technology has been adopted, the quantity of inclusions in the structure of cast iron has been reduced, which improves the bar' s strength, toughness and oxidation resistance. The improved high chromium cast iron grate bars made in China have been used in the platform of the 450 m sintering machine for many years, and its consumption has been lowered to 9-12 g per ton of sintering ore,and its service life has been prolonged to over three years.
Baosteel Technology
high chromium cast iron,alloying,filtration,grate bars