目的:评价华西临床医学本科教育与中华医学基金会提出的全球医学教育最基本要求(GlobalMinimumEn ssentialRequirementinMdicalEducationGMER)的一致性,为临床医学教育改革提供参考。方法:随机抽取华西临床5年制毕业生1 5 0人,采取问卷调查法,集中填写编制好的调查问卷。用EPIDATA2 1a建库,数据用SPSS1 1 . 5分析处理。结果:在教学内容上学校对GMER 7大领域的要求程度由高到低依次为医学科学基础知识,临床技能,沟通技能,职业价值、态度、行为和伦理,批判性思维和研究,信息管理,群体健康和卫生系统。教学方式上以传统的课堂讲授为主,讨论方式最少。结论:华西临床医学本科教学内容基本覆盖了GMER的相关内容,在学校最不重视的相关标准大部分都在选修课里,且教学方式以课堂讲授和自学为主,提示学校应加强这些内容的教学,改进教学方法。
Objective:To appraisal the consistence of demands on undergraduates medical education between GMER AND WCMU in order to give some advice to the reform of medical education.Method:150 medical undergraduates were selected by random,and filled up questionnaire centralized. Create data by means of EPIDATA 2.1a software and analyze it by SPSS 11.5.Results:The sequence of the emphasis degree on the seven areas in teaching of WCMU were scientific foundation of medicine; Clinical skills; Communication skills; Professional values, attitudes, behavior and ethics; Critical thinking and research; Management of information; Population health and health systems.The teaching methods gave first place to lecture and discussion was at the last way.Conclusion:The demands on undergraduates medical education of WCMU cover the contents of GMER basically,but there should be reform in the area which have not be put enough attention to.
Modern Preventive Medicine