民国江西农村实验区 ,各有各的实验思路和方法 ,其主要实验措施是协助地方从事管、教、养、卫等基层工作 ,目的是想为重建江西农村社会秩序并为中国农村近代化寻求出路。民国江西农村实验事业的开展 ,虽然取得了一定的成效 ,但也存在着严重的问题 ,远未达到当初预定的目标。认真总结其中的经验教训 ,对当前加快我国农村小康社会建设 ,有重要的借鉴意义。
Rural experimental areas in Jiangxi in the Mingguo period have their own experimental thoughts and methods, their main experimental methods are to assist local areas to be engaged in basic level work of management, education, fostering and sanitation etc They aim to rebuild rural social order in Jiangxi and find an outlet of Chinese rural modernization Despite a certain kind of achievement in the development of Jiangxi rural experimental cause in the Mingguo period, some serious problems are still in existence and it's expected to go a long way to achieve its desired goal To summarize its experience and lessons shows great importance for our reference in accelerating the pace of construction of the rural well off society in present China
Ancient and Modern Agriculture