鲈鱼Lateolabrax japonicus(C et V)为近岸浅海习见的广盐性鱼类喜栖息河口咸淡水处,亦可生活淡水中。海、淡两种不同盐度和渗透压必然导致肾结构及其功能的变化(M·E勃朗1962;邵炳绪1981)。但对鲈鱼肾脏的显微与亚微结构情况至今未见报道。为此本文分别取用海产和淡养两种不同生境中生长的鲈鱼肾脏,进行光镜和电镜观察、比较,并对其出现的结构变化作了初步研究。
The present paper is a report of our studies on the fine structure of the kidney of Perch in the biotopes of different salinities with pho-tomicroscope and electronmicroscope, which were observed and described the structure and Ultrastructure of the kidney of marinef reshwater perch separately, and make a comparison between the two.Perch kidney is made uP of Glomerulus,Neck segment.first proximal segment (P1), second proximal segment (P2) and collecting tubule,There is no Distal segment.This structure shows the typical type of the marine terostean kidney.Besides,in this paper we have analysed and discussed the structure change due to the osmotic pressure regulation.