行政事实行为是行政主体所作出的一种不以对行政相对人产生法律效力为目的的行政行为。将行政事实行为纳入行政诉讼范围是现代行政法治发展的必然要求 ,也是全面实现诚信政府原则、信赖保护原则以及为行政相对人提供充分救济的需要。国外行政事实行为可诉的实践及我国的行政赔偿诉讼实践均证明 :将行政事实行为纳入行政诉讼范围是可行的。为达此目的 ,需要消除人们思想上对此问题所存在的顾虑 。
The administrative factual action means that the administrative subject performs official powers not for binding force to people. It is necessary to put the administrative factual action in the scope of administrative litigation for development of administrative legality, for achieving the principle of honest government and the principle of protecting the trustworthy benefit totally, and for supplying the full administrative remedy to people. Both the practice that administrative factual action is litigable overseas and the practice of the administrative litigation for indemnification in our country prove that it is feasible to put the administrative factual action in the scope of administrative litigation. In order to achieve it we should dispel all kinds of worries and perfect the administrative litigation act.
Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law