Diffusion and rboibution of carbon in pre-bainitic trandormation beve animportant influence on the forination mechanism of bainitic ferrite in steeis. Up to now,direct compcaition variation of carben has not been studied in detail in this process. So, thepurpose of the thesis is to investigate the diffusion of carbon duruig isothermal holdingduring the incubation peried of bainitic transformation for 65Si2Mn by Scanning AuserMicrcscopo (SAM). The results show that outstanding change of carbon occurs inaustemporing specimens during incubetion poriod when holding at the middle temperaturerather than the dirMiy quenched slwcimens. The pre-bainitic transformation is, in fact , theformation of carbon-depletal region, which exists near the area of grain boundanes andwtthin austenite grains vecause of diffusion and ddering of carben. The carbon depleteddegree increases as the holding time and temperature. The carbon content in carbon-depletedresion is between the mean cartson content of the alloy and the equllibrium carbon contentof ferrite. Therefore, the exfxrimental results support the opinion on the formation ofbainitic ferrite with partial suporsaturation of carbon in carbon-depleted region by inarensitic-tw displacive mechanism. The existence of carbon-depleted region possesses thethermedynamic and kinetic feasibility.
bainite, pre-beinitic transformation, bainitic ferrite, carbon-depleted region,displacive meclianism