n order to determine the optimal
concentration of mixt glutaraldehyde(MG)as a tenotosis promoterof human hair and to reveal its
working mechanism,the ultrastructure of normal human hair and humanHair treated with four
different concentrations of MG was studied.The results showed that the surface andinternal
structure of the hair were changed in various degrees after the treatment with one of all four
con-centrations of MG. The hair epidermicula was warped and became loose or broken among
hair scales.Themicrofilaments in the hair was flxible,depolymerized and fused with the matrix.
For satisfying clinical de-mand an ideal artificial tendon materials not only should be
tenotosised in vivo,but also should have cer-tain intensity. Therefore,the present rusults
suggested that 5-10%might be the optimal concentration ofMG,Depolymerisation of
microfilaments was slight after the treatment with this concentration of MG sothat a higher
intensity could remain.
Journal of First Military Medical University