C-V technology is an effective method of studing semiconductor interfaCe. This paper will rePort some interesting new results of C-V characteristics which are obtained from MIS tunnel junction with LB insulting films.The substrates used in present research are p-type (100) silicon wafers which were doped at the concentrstion of 1015 cm-3. The insultators are LB polyimide films and the circular aluminium top electrodes wereevaporated through a metal mask in a vacuum system. In the case of thicker LB films, the trap density is low on the interface of polyimidel silicon so that a quasi-ideal C-V characteristics with a hysteresis about 0.26v is obtained. On the contrary, in the case of thiner LB films, the interface trap density is high so the curve deviates obviously from the ideal situation. Based on the rang6s of sweeping voltage, we can regard the serious hysteresis as the result that carriers inject into the traps of LB films at large bias voltage.For MIS tunnel junction, besides the hump produced by the invertion layer clamping between-0.5 and -1.5V, Wb have found another hump between -1.5 and -4V. It may be introduced by the change of the junction from tunnel limited to semiconductor limited regime again. Because when the tunnel probability increases immensely at strong electrical field, the insultor will be completely'transparent to carriers and theMIS structure will change into Li he- Metal- Semiconductor (LMS) junction. The second hump does not appear in some' samples. It is possible that if there are many defects on the insultor, the MIS structure will change. into LMS junction just at lower voltage.Under large negative bias, minority carriers will inject into silicon through LB films. If the capacitance introduCed by minority carriers injection is taken into account, the difference of hUmps between voltage sweeping forward and back can be well explained.(Correspondent:LIN Hal’all3 Department ofElectronlcEngineenng,SoutheastUniversity,NalljingZ10018)
Chinese Journal of Materials Research
LB polyimide
MIS tunnel junction
double capacitance humps
minority carrries injection
like-metal-Semiconductor junction