将发展权这一基本人权导入以人权为价值内核的宪法 ,是发展权实在化和21世纪宪法发展面临的首要问题。发展权的诞生发展了传统宪法的人权原则 ,并在人权主体、人权内涵和人权形式诸方面拓展了宪法人权的内容 ;而增进以人的全面发展即经济、政治、社会和文化发展为内容的发展权 ,则是实现民主宪政的基本途径 ;发展权是对传统人权观的超越 ,必然要求重新审视宪法人权的主体、含义、构成要素 ,特别是集体主体人权的法律确证和司法救济问题 。
The most important thing in the realization of the right to development and development of the constitution in the 21st is to bring the right to development into the field of constitution. The right to development develops the principles and contents of human rights in the traditional constitution. Protection of the right to development including all peoples' developments in economy, politics, society and culture is the basic way of realization of democracy and constitutional government. Because the right to development transcends the traditional views of human rights, we should exam again the subject, implication and component of human rights in constitution, especially the affirm and judicial relief of collective rights, these must be a great opportunity or a serious challenge to constitutional philosophy and practice of constitutional government.
Political Science and Law