本文通过对一具体油轮碰撞案例分析 ,对造成海域污染是否应由碰撞两船的所有人对油污损害直接承担连带责任 ;以及污染环境侵权行为适用无过错责任原则是否应排斥过错责任则适用及对于无过错责任原则在我国侵权行为责任体系中的地位进行了讨论。
There ever existed a hot debate as to whether the owners of both the vessels should be directly liable for the oil pollution arising from the oil discharge of only one of them due to the collision of two vessels in joint fault. In “3.24” oil pollution cases, Guangzhou Maritime Court of PRC holds held that only the owner of the vessels discharging oil should be directly liable for oil pollution damage. This paper supports such an adjudication,and sets forth some arguments.
Annual of China Maritime Law